IHHT Therapy
At the heart of Holistic Horizons' innovative treatment is the IHHT OXYGEN Machine, a unique device that utilizes Intermittent Hypoxia-Hyperoxia Treatment (IHHT). IHHT is a novel, safe, and effective technique shown to boost energy and reduce susceptibility to illness. This non-invasive procedure involves breathing in hypoxic (low oxygen) and hyperoxic (high oxygen) air at varying intervals through a mask. It works by destroying damaged mitochondria and allowing our cells to regenerate new, healthier mitochondria.
The interaction between oxygen levels and mitochondria is fundamental to life. Mitochondria, known as the "powerhouses of the cell," provide us with energy. However, high levels of stress can strain and damage our mitochondria. IHHT induces mild stress on the respiratory system, activating the body's natural process of cellular 'fine-tuning.' This cellular interaction between the environment and our bodies can significantly enhance our quality of life.
IHHT stands at the cutting edge of scientific advancement. For instance, the 2019 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded to scientists who discovered that intermittent low oxygen consumption rejuvenates the body. Numerous studies have since shown that IHHT benefits both physical and psychological health.
The IHHT procedure involves breathing through a mask for approximately 40 minutes, during which the oxygen levels are varied at regular intervals. This recreates the effects of altitude training, offering the remarkable health benefits without excessive physical exertion. Whenever appropriate, we incorporate IHHT into our mental health and addiction treatment programs at Holistic Horizons.